Inside the Containment Unit: GHOSTBUSTERS


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The Real Ghostbusters Episode Reviews

Which episodes do you think are great? How about which ones you didn't care for? Here are my thoughts. Every week I will review a different episode.

"The Real Ghostbusters" was a Saturday morning cartoon show that ran from 1986 to 1991. It is one of the best cartoons of all time, if not THE best.

Afterlife in the Fast Lane

The RGBs (including Slimer) are all in different vehicles, ready to race to support their favorite charities. During the race, they accidentally drive through an inter-dimensional portal. They are then transported into a strange world, which is all one big board game. It's either "Pass Go and collect $200" or "GAME OVER".

The episode is great, but the use of the character Louis takes it down a few notches. Louis usually has a great role in the show, but not this time. The animation is up to its usual standards, and the suspense level is high.

Rating (on a scale from * to ****): ***

The Best Episodes

Currently, I don't have just one favorite episode. It's a tie between "Ghostfight at the O.K. Corral" and "Citizen Ghost". I like "Ghostfight" because it was very suspenseful and the animation was just great. I basically liked "Citizen Ghost" because it explains how the RGB became friends with Slimer, and because of all the connections to the movie.