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Ghostbusters Movie Reviews

1984 was Ghostbusters. 1989 was Ghostbusters II. Which one was better? Read on.

"Ghostbusters" is a simple comedy about three scientists who get kicked off campus, and then are in need of a job. They invent a storage system that can hold ghosts and they also invent other ghostbusting equipment. They set up shop as the Ghostbusters (hence the title name), and business starts rolling. They get calls from all over Manhattan. But this could all be leading up to one extremely deadly supernatural event....
"Ghostbusters" shows the best of its stars: Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, and Harold Ramis. Aykroyd and Ramis are the masterminds behind the film, and they pulled it off perfectly. Movies truly don't get any better than this.
Rated PG
**** (out of ****)

Ghostbusters II
The Busters come back to slime the city once again when the supernatural heat starts to rise. Now they're up against an underground river of slime about to overflow and an evil painting named Vigo the Carpathian...
"Ghostbusters II" is a very good movie, but it is lacking some important elements that the original was abundant in. "GB2" was a very, very minor dissapointment.
Rated PG
***1/2 (out of ****)

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