Inside the Containment Unit: GHOSTBUSTERS


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Here's the slime on the latest GB info. For more info on GB, visit the Related Links section.


2/21/01-From an employee of GamePro magazine (who is Dan Elektro on the GB Central message board), an EXTREME GHOSTBUSTERS VIDEO GAME IS COMING OUT! It will be out for Game Boy, Nintendo GameCube, the PC, and other systems.

2/18/01-Recently, there was an interview with director of both GB films, Ivan Reitman. He stated that Dan Aykroyd had a very good script treatment, and that GB3 is not dead.


2/18/01-It was said that GB3 will feature our great Boys in Gray up against the Devil, where the Underworld rises into NYC. But, as of now, that statement cannot be clarified as true or untrue, because nobody but the folks behind GB3 knows who the villain is.

Be sure to let me know what you hear and I'll add it to this page! My e-mail address is on the

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